Understanding Traveling Terminology

Travelling is the general movement of humans between far away places. Travelling can be by foot, horse, car, bike, plane, train, bus, boat or any other mode of transport, with or without baggage, and is one way or another. People normally move from point A to point B, whether it’s across town in a car, on foot through a city or on a bicycle. And the journey takes time and energy. The basic purpose of travel is to move from Point A to Point B, either by land or sea, or from A to B, within a given period of time.

So why do we need a language for travelling? There really is no need for such a language, since we all travel in the same way, by different modes. However, it would be nice if there was a common way to express our feelings when we are travelling. But the problem is, not everyone knows how to express themselves properly while travelling. This leads to misunderstandings, which make both sides irritated, and travelling more difficult, rather than more pleasurable.

For travellers from the United Kingdom, the most commonly used method of traveling is by road, using a vehicle such as a car, bus, train or taxi. However, many other forms of traveling, including flying, can also be done, using planes, boats and even motor bikes. However, those who use planes or boats usually use the British English language. Some are bilingual, using both English and their mother tongue. Some even use neither English or British English, but speak only American English, Canadian English or Australian English.

Many people who travel internationally have difficulty determining their own spelling and pronunciations, so they look up resources such as the American English Dictionary, The Australian International Dictionary and the Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Unfortunately, not all the spelling and pronunciations they are looking up are correct. It’s also very common for non-native speakers to mispronounce words and spellings. Because of this, many new travelers are unaware of the differences between British English, American English and Australian English, especially when travelling abroad.

Some people don’t like to travel outside of their home country because they feel that there is too much change and uncertainty for them to cope with. For these individuals, learning British English is an invaluable asset for their travels. When they realize that they can communicate effectively using both British English and American English, they are far more confident about travelling and enjoying their travels.

There are several websites that offer a free online dictionary of British and American spellings, so that you can check your spelling before leaving on your trip and once you arrive at your destination. This can make the entire travelling experience much more enjoyable, as you won’t have to worry about mispronouncing words or mistaking words and grammar. If you’re a frequent traveller, you may want to get a book written about British English travel, such as “Ten Tips for Enjoying Your travels in Britain” by Julia Blenheim. This book provides an excellent insight into the correct etiquette and language when traveling abroad, as well as helpful suggestions for choosing accommodations, activities and food.